Maturity Level Model

The vision

The B1MG Maturity level model (MLM) aims to promote and facilitate the adoption of genomics by healthcare systems for making personalised medicine accessible to citizens and patients across Europe.
Experts from the B1MG project developed the MLM framework to enable all interested countries to self evaluate the level of maturity of national genomic medicine practices following a common matrix.

Heads up! This site is a draft open to reviewers and, as such, subject to changes. A final version will be available end of 2021

Information for evaluators

Browse the MLM framwework by using the tabs. Click on the to reveal more information.
Hover over pink underlined termsThis is a tooltip to quickly read definitions to read the definition without disturbing your reading. For more information about other terms, switch to the Glossary tab.

Round 1 and 2 display the updated text of the MLM based on the first and second round of analysis to validate, reformulate or reevaluate the MLM.

Each subdomain, indicator and maturity level has been coloured according to the classification criteria that defines the current level of decision:

Validated: items with an agreement rate ≥86% were accepted in the final version
Validated: items with an agreement rate ≥79% and no disagremeents (corresponding to a rate of neither agree or disagree ≥21%) were accepted in the final version
Validated with rewording: a few items with an agreement rate ≥ 86% were slightly changed to accommodate very relevant comments and were accepted in the final version
Reformulated: items with an agreement rate <86% and cumulatively with a disagreement rate ≥7% were reformulated according to comments for validation in the Delphi round 2
Reevaluate: items with an agreement rate <86% without suggestions for improvement were deemed inconclusive, and included for reevaluation in the Delphi round 2 with the original wording
  • B1MG MLM
  • Round 2
  • Round 1
  • Glossary

I. Governance and strategy



Maturity levels


Country/region has a dedicated governanceThe process by which decisions are made and implemented. Governance is the process by which public institutions conduct public affairs and manage public resources. for genomics in healthcare

  1. No dedicated governance for genomics in healthcare
  2. Elements of governance exist but they are not fully functional
  3. Scope of governance for genomics has been defined but elements are still under development
  4. There is a governance body that is fully operating, led centrallyBased within a national or regional node., and activities are monitored based on a work plan
  5. Governance body is institutionalised, recognised as the lead for genomics in healthcare, and is open to novel developments and supportive of international cooperation


Genomics in healthcare is established as a priority at national/regional level

  1. Genomics in healthcare is not included in national/regional health plans
  2. Inclusion of genomics in healthcare in relevant national/regional health plans is under discussion
  3. Genomics in healthcare is included in relevant national/regional health plans
  4. Genomics in healthcare is implemented as part of national/regional health and other relevant plans (e.g. education, research)
  5. Genomics in healthcare is implemented in health and other relevant plans, and is periodically evaluated for optimisation, taking into account novel developments at the international level


There is a national/regional strategy for genomics in healthcare with a costed implementation planA multi-year roadmap that enables governments to prioritise interventions, engage stakeholders around one strategy, forecast costs and mobilise resources to meet identified gaps, namely to implement genomics in healthcare systems.

  1. No genomics in healthcare strategy with costed implementation plan
  2. A strategy for genomics in healthcare with costed implementation plan under discussion
  3. A costed implementation plan for genomics in healthcare is developed and approved
  4. The national/regional strategy for genomics in healthcare is under implementation
  5. The national/regional strategy for genomics in healthcare is implemented, with monitoring and long term resources and aligned with European and international strategies

II. Investment and economic model



Maturity levels


There is an investment plan at the national and/or regional levels for genomics in healthcare, with public or mixed public-private funding models

  1. There is no established investment plan at the national or regional level for genomics in healthcare
  2. An investment plan for genomics in healthcare at the national and/or regional levels is under development
  3. There is a national and/or regional investment plan for genomics in healthcare that is mostly dedicated to setting up infrastructure
  4. There is a national and/or regional investment plan for the regular operational costs of genomics in healthcare (for specific tests e.g. for rare diseases diagnostics or specific cancer treatments)
  5. There is a national and/or regional investment plan for genomics in healthcare that incorporates innovation according to opportunities and international developments

Access and reimbursement

There is a framework for reimbursement or no-cost access plansDetailed set of rules that determines rights, duties and procedures to benefit from access to genomic tests at no cost for genomic tests, at the national or regional levels

  1. No framework for reimbursement or no-cost access plans for genomic tests
  2. A framework for reimbursement or no-cost access plans for specific genomic tests is under development
  3. A reimbursement framework or no-cost access plans for specific genomic tests are developed, approved and operationalised, with disease or patient-specific models
  4. A reimbursement framework or no-cost access plans for specific genomic tests are fully implemented in national and/or regional healthcare systems
  5. A reimbursement framework or no-cost access plans for specific genomic tests are fully implemented, periodically evaluated and optimised, with plan for adoption of novel tools and technologies

Health Economics

There is a HTA frameworkA multidisciplinary process that uses explicit methods to determine the value of health technology at different points in its lifecycle to help decision-makers make informed decisions. to assess genomic tests in healthcare

  1. No HTA framework for genomic testing
  2. HTA framework for genomic testing is under development
  3. HTA framework for genomic testing is developed and approved
  4. HTA framework for genomic testing is implemented in healthcare system
  5. HTA framework is implemented, periodically evaluated and optimised, with plan for adoption of novel tools and technologies

There is a framework for cost-effectiveness assessmentCost-effectiveness analysis is a form of economic analysis that compares the relative costs and outcomes of different courses of action. of genomic tests

  1. There is no framework for cost-effectiveness assessment of genomic tests
  2. A framework for cost-effectiveness assessment of genomic tests is under development
  3. A framework for cost-effectiveness assessment of specific genomic tests in the healthcare context are under implementation as pilots
  4. A framework for cost-effectiveness assessment of specific genomic tests is implemented in healthcare systems at the national and/or regional levels
  5. A framework for cost-effectiveness assessment of genomic tests is implemented, periodically evaluated and optimised, with plan for adoption of novel tools and technologies

Societal benefitsAny advantages, gains or improvements as a result of employing a genomic approach to a group of people (e.g. patients, citizens). are considered in economic modellingStructured approaches to help decision-makers choose between alternative ways of using resources, by weighting the cost of an action against the benefits that it provides. It is frequently used to anticipate the costs and benefits of new health care technologies, policies and regulations. for genomic medicine

  1. Societal benefits are not considered in economic models for genomics in healthcare
  2. Societal benefits are quantified in economic models for genomics in healthcare
  3. Societal benefits are integrated in economic models for specific genomic tests
  4. Societal benefits are integrated in global genomics economic models for regional or national healthcare systems
  5. Societal benefits are integrated in global genomics economic models for regional or national healthcare systems and optimised for novel tools and technologies

III. Ethics, legislation and policy



Maturity levels

Data protectionCertainity that personal data is used fairly, lawfully and transparently – for specified, explicit purposes – in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited to only what is necessary, accurate and, where necessary, kept up-to-date, for no longer than is necessary, and handled in a way that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unlawful or unauthorised processing, access, loss, destruction or damage. and privacy

There are normsA set of principles of right action binding upon group members and serving to guide, control or regulate appropriate and acceptable behaviour. E.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct. to protect and ensure the lawful, fair and transparent processing of personal dataData related to a living individual, who is likely to be identified by the data directly or combined with other data (e.g. through a pseudonym). [ref. Art. 4 GDPR]

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

There are norms protecting the confidentiality of patient genetic/genomic test results, and specifically clarifying where family members may have rights to access these results

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

There are norms limiting genetic/genomic testing to legitimate purposes and preventing mis-use (e.g. no employer/insurer discrimination)

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Consent to genetic/genomic testing

There are norms to ensure appropriate consent is obtained and counselling is provided in relation to genetic/genomic testing

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

There are special rules to ensure that vulnerable groupsVulnerable groups of population include children, adults with diminished capacities, the elderly, racial or ethnic minorities, the socioeconomically disadvantaged, underinsured or those with certain medical conditions who are at risk for unequal healthcare access, outcomes and exploitation. have access to genetic/genomic testing, with counselling and appropriate protections to fully respect their rights and avoid their exploitation

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Quality of patient care involving genetic/genomic testing

There are norms ensuring the quality of genetic/genomic testing services (e.g. professional codes and self-regulatory bodies)

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Health data sharing and reuseReuse, or secondary use, of health data for purposes other than the primary reason for which they were originally saved. Other purposes may include scientific research, development and innovation activities, teaching and statistics.

There are norms addressing the accreditation, registration, supervision, secure storage, and responsible use (including exchange and sharing) of human biological samples

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

There is a national strategy for promoting health research and innovation, and associated data protectionCertainity that personal data is used fairly, lawfully and transparently – for specified, explicit purposes – in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited to only what is necessary, accurate and, where necessary, kept up-to-date, for no longer than is necessary, and handled in a way that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unlawful or unauthorised processing, access, loss, destruction or damage. rules allowing sharing and further processingThe processing of personal data for a different purpose(s) than the initially collected. of health/genetic dataGenetic data.
Personal data related to the inherited or acquired genetic characteristics of an individual, which give unique information about his/her physiology or health, that result from an analysis of a biological sample from the individual in question.
Personal data.
Related to the physical or mental health of an individual independent of its origin (e.g. healthcare context, research, clinical trials, the data subject directly, smart devices).
[ref. Art. 4 GDPR]
for research or treating other patients

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

There are norms facilitating genomic data sharing by researchers and/or healthcare providers, at the national and international levels

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Research ethics

There are norms and processes ensuring the ethical practice and scientific integrity of genomic research

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

There is a national (or regional if appropriate) research ethics committee or network to effectively and efficiently oversee the conduct of multicentre genetic/genomic studies

  1. A framework for national or regional research ethics committee to oversee multicentre genetic/genomic studies does not exist
  2. A framework for national or regional research ethics committee to oversee multicentre genetic/genomic studies is under development
  3. A framework for national or regional research ethics committee to oversee multicentre genetic/genomic studies exists, but is not consistently enforced
  4. A framework for national or regional research ethics committee to oversee multicentre genetic/genomic studies is implemented and consistently enforced
  5. A framework for national or regional research ethics committee to oversee multicentre genetic/genomic studies is implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

IV. Public awareness and acceptance



Maturity levels

Awareness Public's level of understanding about the importance and implications of genomic medicine.

There are literacy programmes or campaigns on genomic medicine with monitored impact on awareness

  1. No
  2. Literacy programmes or campaigns are available locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. as a bottom up initiative, on particular topics
  3. Strategy for literacy programmes or campaigns targeting specific audiences is defined, based on genomic literacy surveys, and under implementation
  4. Strategy for literacy programmes or campaigns targeting specific audiences is defined, and widely implemented with dedicated funds
  5. Strategy for literacy programmes or campaigns is widely implemented, with regular evaluation and monitoring of impact on awareness, update of topics to include innovation, and with dedicated funds

AcceptancePerceived usefulness of genomic medicine to patients. Recognition from citizens, patients and patients' associations of a positive impact of the use of genomic medicine on patients levels of satisfaction.

Synergies with patient associations are well established

  1. No
  2. Available locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. as a bottom up initiative with specific associations
  3. Strategy for engaging patient associations in genomic medicine issues is defined and under implementation
  4. Strategy for engaging patient associations in genomic medicine issues is widely implemented at national level, with dedicated funds
  5. Strategy for engaging patient associations in genomic medicine issues is widely implemented at national level, with dedicated funds, regular monitoring and updates to include innovation

Communication to the general public

There is a communication strategy for genomic medicine

  1. No
  2. Available locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. as a bottom up initiative with specific target audiences
  3. A global strategy for communication with the public is under development
  4. A global strategy for communication with the public is widely implemented, with dedicated funds
  5. A global strategy for communication with the public is widely implemented, with dedicated funds and regular monitoring, and includes tools for active involvement of the public in general, minorities and youth in particular

V. Workforce skills and organisation



Maturity levels


Genomics is integrated in general university curricula for medical doctors

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, training options under development
  3. Training available, under implementation
  4. Training available and widely implemented
  5. Training curricula regularly updated to incorporate novel technologies and tools

Genomics is integrated in general curricula for nurses

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, training options under development
  3. Training available, under implementation
  4. Training available and widely implemented
  5. Training curricula regularly updated to incorporate novel technologies and tools

Genomics is integrated in general curricula for pharmacists

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, training options under development
  3. Training available, under implementation
  4. Training available and widely implemented
  5. Training curricula regularly updated to incorporate novel technologies and tools

Careers in genomic medicine

There are officially recognised professional titles and career paths for genomic medicine

  1. No workforce strategy or policy that recognises genomic medicine professionals, and distribution of professionals is ad hoc
  2. Strategy or policy for genomic medicine professionals is proposed and under review
  3. Strategy or policy for genomic medicine professionals is approved and under implementation
  4. Strategy or policy for genomic medicine professionals is implemented, with full recognition and acceptance of career paths
  5. Professional titles and career paths for genomic medicine professionals are flexible and regularly updated to incorporate needs from novel technologies and tools

There are training programmes for genetic counselling

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, training options under development
  3. Training graduates are available but not yet deployed
  4. Training graduates are deployed, but essential personnel gaps remain
  5. Sufficient numbers of training graduates are available to support evolving national/regional needs

There are life-long or continuing education programmes in genomic medicine for different healthcare professionals

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, training options under development
  3. Training available, under implementation
  4. Training available and widely implemented
  5. Training curricula regularly updated to incorporate novel technologies and tools

Policy makers

There are programmes for policy makers and healthcare managers to raise awareness on genomic medicine and its implications for healthcare

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, programme options under development
  3. Programmes available, under implementation
  4. Fully functional implementation of programmes at national level
  5. Programmes are implemented and periodically evaluated for inclusion of novel tools and technologies

VI. Clinical organisation, infrastructure and tools



Maturity levels

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) tools for clinical decision

There are ICT toolsInformation and communication technology, such as electronic health records, telehealth or online resources. supporting clinical interpretation of genomic results, clinical decision-making and communication with the patient implemented in public hospitals and clinics

  1. ICT tools not available
  2. ICT tools available in selected hospitals, frequently associated with research projects
  3. ICT tools under wider implementation in healthcare systems following a strategy for genomic medicine
  4. ICT tools implemented where needed as part of national/regional health systems strategies for genomic medicine
  5. ICT tools implemented and periodically evaluated and optimised for novel tools and updates

Multidisciplinary teamsTeams comprised of individuals who span across different areas of expertise to cover all knowledge areas required for genomic medicine.

Clinical teams for genomic medicine are multidisciplinary and include ICT, biomedical and psychology experts

  1. Not available
  2. Teams are assembled in some hospitals as a bottom up initiative, but not all areas are covered or necessary tools are available
  3. Guidelines for assembling multidisciplinary teams exist, and there are referral networks at regional/local level
  4. Guidelines for assembling multidisciplinary teams and referral networks are implemented at regional/national level, aligned with a strategy for genomics in healthcare and with dedicated funding
  5. Multidisciplinary teams are the norm for implementation of national genomics in medicine strategy and the guidelines for their assembly and operation, and referral networks, are reviewed and optimised periodically

Uptake of novel tools and technologies for genomics

Adoption of novel technologies and software tools to support clinical decisions is fit-for-purpose

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Novel technologies and tools are selected and implemented locally (e.g. hospital, laboratory)
  3. There are plans and processes for adoption of novel technologies and tools to support clinical decision making, but not widely implemented at regional/national levels
  4. Plans and processes for adoption of novel technologies and tools to support clinical decision making are centralised at the regional/national levels, and aligned with a national strategy for genomics in healthcare
  5. Plans and processes for adoption of novel technologies and tools to support clinical decision making are centralised at the regional/national levels, and aligned with a national strategy for genomics in healthcare and with international standards

Synergies with research

There are processes established for the integration of the clinics with research outcomes

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Implemented at a local level, depending on individual initiative
  3. Implemented at local and regional level according to a local strategy for integrating stakeholders and partnerships
  4. Implemented at national level with well established partnerships, support from public funds and dedicated budget
  5. Implemented at national and international level with well established partnerships, periodically evaluated, support from public funds and dedicated budget

Partnership with industry

There are effective partnerships with stakeholders from the industry sector

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Implemented at a local level, depending on individual initiative
  3. Implemented at local and regional level according to a local strategy for integrating stakeholders and partnerships from the industry sector
  4. Implemented at national level with well established partnerships, according to a national strategy for integration of industry stakeholders
  5. Implemented with well established national and international partnerships, according to a national strategy for integration of industry stakeholders

VII. Clinical genomics guidelines and infrastructure



Maturity levels

Sequencing/ genotyping infrastructure

Genomic centres are established

  1. No
  2. Genomic centres are local (e.g. hospital, laboratory)
  3. Genomic centres infrastructure networks are under development, to include common working guidelines and shared policies
  4. Genomic centres infrastructure networks are implemented at the regional/national levels, and operate under common guidelines and policies
  5. Genomic centres infrastructure networks are implemented at the regional/national levels, and operate under common guidelines and policies and aligned with global standards

Sequencing guidelines

Guidelines for sequencing are defined

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for sequencing data generation are available locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital.(e.g. hospital, laboratory, project)
  3. Local level genomic sequence generation for clinical use is aligned with ISOThe International Organisation for Standardisation laboratory accreditation/protocols
  4. Genomic sequence generation is co-ordinated at regional/national level and aligned with ISO laboratory accreditation/protocols
  5. Genomic sequence generation at regional/national level is governed in alignment with ISO accreditation/protocols, reviewed periodically, and in line with international standards

Primary bioinformatics analysisThe initial analysis that turns the machine output of genomic sequencing into genomic information for clinical/research interpretation or other contexts.

Guidelines for genomic data analysis are defined

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for genomic data analysis are available at local/organisation level
  3. Guidelines for genomic data analysis are available at the regional/national level
  4. Standardised genomic analysis guidelines are implemented at national level and reviewed periodically
  5. Standardised genomic analysis guidelines are implemented at national level, reviewed periodically and aligned with global standards

Structure of sequence-associated metadata

Guidelines for sequence-metadataData that provides information about other data, specifically about genomic-sequence data. structure to support clinical interpretation are established

  1. No
  2. Guidelines to structure metadata to meet clinical use cases are defined locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. at the hospital, laboratory level)
  3. Guidelines to structure metadata to meet clinical use cases are defined regionally/nationally
  4. Standardised guidelines to structure metadata to meet clinical use cases are implemented at the national level and are reviewed periodically
  5. International guidelines to structure metadata to meet clinical use cases are followed, implemented at the national level and are reviewed periodically

Clinical interpretation

Guidelines for clinical interpretation of genomic resultsGuidelines for translating the technical output of a genetic or genomic test into potentially clinically actionable information. are defined.

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for clinical interpretation of genomic results are defined locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. at the hospital, laboratory level)
  3. Guidelines for clinical interpretation of genomic results are defined regionally/nationally (e.g. by national genetics societies)
  4. Guidelines for clinical interpretation of genomic results from internationally recognised bodies (e.g. ACMG, ClinGen) are implemented nationally
  5. Guidelines for clinical interpretation of genomic results from internationally recognised bodies are implemented nationally, and there are interactions with these international bodies for guideline definition for specific diseases (e.g. ACMG, ClinGen)

Clinical reporting

Guidelines for clinical reporting of genomic resultsGuidelines for reporting the actionable results of a genetic or genomic test to the attending clinician and/or patient. are defined

  1. No
  2. Consistent clinical reporting guidelines are developed at an organisational level
  3. National best practices for clinical reporting are defined and monitored, but not consistently enforced
  4. National best practices for clinical reporting are enforced and monitored
  5. Guidelines for clinical reporting are enforced at the national levels, in alignment with international standards and regularly reviewed based on changes in technological, regulatory and ethical considerations

VIII. Data management, standards and infrastructure



Maturity levels

Data security

Infrastructure and policies for data security are established

  1. No
  2. Security policies and infrastructure are defined at the organisation level
  3. Security policies and infrastructure are nationally defined but not sufficiently enforced
  4. Security policies and infrastructure are established under national regulation and fully enforced
  5. Security policies follow international best practices for data security and are regularly reviewed based on changes in technological, regulatory and ethical considerations

Data discoverability (findable)

Guidelines for structuring metadata for datasetsStructured dataset metadata.
Metadata (data that provides information about other data) for datasets that supports data discoverability using international standards.
are established.

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for structuring metadata for datasets are established at the local level
  3. Guidelines for structuring metadata for datasets established at the local level are documented and implemented, and their usage is tracked
  4. Guidelines for structuring metadata for datasets are established nationally
  5. Guidelines for structuring metadata for datasets are established nationally, and there is national level interaction with the development and adoption of international standards for dataset metadata structure and labelling

Data access management (accessible)

Data access governance framework is established

  1. No
  2. Data access governance is established locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. by department, institution)
  3. Scope of data access governance is defined nationally or regionally, with stakeholder consultation
  4. Data access governance is led centrallyBased within a national or regional node., fully functional, and implementation is monitored based on a national or regional work plan
  5. Data access governance structure is institutionalised, protected from interference or organisational changes, and open to novel developments

Data sharing policies and data flows are established

  1. No
  2. Data access granting is fully manual, with individual agreements created with each request
  3. Standardised local data sharing policies are established, with limited data flows managed electronically
  4. Electronic systems are implemented to support data sharing policies and are adopted nationally
  5. Application for data access is semi-automated and follows international standards and there is national representation on the continued development of these standards

Reception and interfacesThis consists of two areas.
(1) Reception. Uniform processes (such as quality control and standardisation) to receive (download) or access (through API) both data and metadata in a consistent way, enabling infrastructures to adhere to global standards and principles for genotypic and phenotypic data. It includes logically describing datasets to the extent that they can become actionable on the infrastructure, even if they are stored nationally or locally.
(2) Interfaces. Organisations offer interfaces (APIs) following international standards that form the technically interoperable infrastructure backbone.
[Adapted from the 1+MG Scoping paper]

Guidelines for recordA dataset record is a collection of fields of information about the same person, item or object in a database. It can be thought of as a row of information within a database table. level data structure are established

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for record structure for discovery are established at the local level
  3. Guidelines for record structure for discovery are established at the local level and are documented, implemented and their usage is tracked
  4. Guidelines for record structure for discovery are established nationally and are documented, implemented and their usage is tracked
  5. Guidelines for record structure are established nationally and there are national level interactions for the development and adoption of international standards for dataset structure for discovery

Guidelines for dataset structureThe dataset is formatted in a standard way to support interoperability, i.e. via use of international standards. are established

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for dataset structure and access for discovery are established at the local level
  3. Guidelines for dataset structure and access for discovery are established at the local level and are documented, implemented and their usage is tracked
  4. Guidelines for record structure and access for discovery are established nationally and are documented, implemented and their usage is tracked
  5. Guidelines for dataset structure and access for discovery are established nationally and there are national level interactions for the development and adoption of international standards

Data sharing infrastructure is established using a federated modelA distributed network of repositories for sharing genomic information.

  1. No
  2. Data sharing infrastructure is set up locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. by department, institution)
  3. Data sharing infrastructure interoperates within the region
  4. Data sharing infrastructure interoperates with infrastructures from other regions
  5. Data sharing infrastructure interoperates with an international federation

Services for data receptionUniform processes (such as quality control and standardisation) to receive (download) or access (through API) both data and metadata in a consistent way, enabling infrastructures to adhere to global standards and principles for genotypic and phenotypic data. It includes logically describing datasets to an extent that they can become actionable on the infrastructure, even if they are stored nationally or locally. [Adapted from the 1+MG Scoping paper] to support interoperability are established

  1. Genomic data services accept unstructured data without quality control measures
  2. Genomic data services have quality control measures and formats implemented locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. by department, institution)
  3. Genomic data services quality control measures and formats are implemented locally but all data received align with international standards
  4. Genomic data services accept data only in formats agreed nationally/regionally and there is automatic quality control upon reception
  5. All data received into genomic data services are automatically validated to ensure alignment with international standards

Processing and analysis (reusable)

Computational and data infrastructure for medical reuse and secondary data analysisThe use of existing data, collected for a prior study, to pursue a research interest that is different to that of the original work. is available

  1. No
  2. Computational and data infrastructure is available to support local analysis of data
  3. Computational and data infrastructure is available to support trans-regional analysis of data
  4. Computational and data infrastructure is in place to support national analysis of data
  5. Computational and data infrastructure supports national analysis of data and is aligned with and supports cross-border data analysis

I. Governance and strategy



Maturity levels


Country/region has a dedicated governanceThe process by which decisions are made and implemented. Governance is the process by which public institutions conduct public affairs and manage public resources. for genomics in healthcare

  1. No dedicated governance for genomics in healthcare
  2. Elements of governance exist but they are not fully functional
  3. Scope of governance for genomics has been defined but elements are still under development
  4. There is a governance body that is fully operating, led centrallyBased within a national or regional node., and activities are monitored based on a work plan
  5. Governance body is institutionalised, recognised as the lead for genomics in healthcare, and is open to novel developments and supportive of international cooperation


Genomics in healthcare is established as a priority at national/regional level

  1. Genomics in healthcare is not included in national/regional health plans
  2. Inclusion of genomics in healthcare in relevant national/regional health plans is under discussion
  3. Genomics in healthcare is included in relevant national/regional health plans
  4. Genomics in healthcare is implemented as part of national/regional health and other relevant plans (e.g. education, research)
  5. Genomics in healthcare is implemented in health and other relevant plans, and is periodically evaluated for optimisation, taking into account novel developments at the international level


There is a national/regional strategy for genomics in healthcare with a costed implementation planA multi-year roadmap that enables governments to prioritise interventions, engage stakeholders around one strategy, forecast costs and mobilise resources to meet identified gaps, namely to implement genomics in healthcare systems.

  1. No genomics in healthcare strategy with costed implementation plan
  2. A strategy for genomics in healthcare with costed implementation plan under discussion
  3. A costed implementation plan for genomics in healthcare is developed and approved
  4. The national/regional strategy for genomics in healthcare is under implementation
  5. The national/regional strategy for genomics in healthcare is implemented, with monitoring and long term resources and aligned with European and international strategies

II. Investment and economic model



Maturity levels


There is an investment plan at the national or regional level for genomics in healthcare, with public or mixed public-private funding models

  1. There is no established investment plan at the national or regional level for genomics in healthcare
  2. Investment plans at the national or regional levels are under development
  3. There is a national/regional investment plan for genomics in healthcare that is mostly dedicated to setting up infrastructure
  4. There are national and/or regional investment plans for the regular operational costs of genomics in healthcare (e.g. for some rare diseases diagnostics, specific cancer treatments)
  5. There is a national/regional investment plan for genomics in healthcare that incorporates innovation according to opportunities and international developments

Access and reimbursement

There is a framework for reimbursement or no-cost access planDetailed set of rules that determines rights, duties and procedures to benefit from access to genomic tests at no cost for genomic tests, at the national or regional levels

  1. No framework for reimbursement or no-cost access plans for genomic tests
  2. A framework for reimbursement or no-cost access plans for specific genomic tests is under development
  3. Reimbursement or no-cost access for specific genomic tests are developed, approved and operationalised, with disease or patient-specific models
  4. Reimbursement or no-cost access plans for specific genomic tests are fully implemented in national and/or regional healthcare systems
  5. Reimbursement or no-cost access plans for specific genomic tests are fully implemented, periodically evaluated and optimised, with plan for adoption of novel tools and technologies

Health Technology Assessment (HTA) framework

There is a HTA frameworkA multidisciplinary process that uses explicit methods to determine the value of health technology at different points in its lifecycle to help decision-makers make informed decisions. to assess genomic tests in healthcare

  1. No HTA framework for genomic testing
  2. HTA framework for genomic testing is under development
  3. HTA framework for genomic testing is developed and approved
  4. HTA framework for genomic testing is implemented in healthcare system
  5. HTA framework is implemented, periodically evaluated and optimised, with plan for adoption of novel tools and technologies

Cost-effectiveness assessment framework

There is a framework for cost-effectiveness assessmentCost-effectiveness analysis is a form of economic analysis that compares the relative costs and outcomes of different courses of action. of genomic tests

  1. There is no framework for cost-effectiveness assessment of genomic tests
  2. A framework for cost-effectiveness assessment of genomic tests is under development
  3. A framework for cost-effectiveness assessment of specific genomic tests in the healthcare context are under implementation as pilots
  4. A framework for cost-effectiveness assessment of specific genomic tests is implemented in healthcare systems at the national and/or regional levels
  5. A framework for cost-effectiveness assessment of genomic tests is implemented, periodically evaluated and optimised, with plan for adoption of novel tools and technologies

Societal (patient/citizen) benefits

Societal benefitsAny advantages, gains or improvements as a result of employing a genomic approach to a group of people (e.g. patients, citizens). are considered in economic modellingStructured approaches to help decision-makers choose between alternative ways of using resources, by weighting the cost of an action against the benefits that it provides. It is frequently used to anticipate the costs and benefits of new health care technologies, policies and regulations. for genomic medicine

  1. Societal benefits are not considered in economic models for genomics in healthcare
  2. Societal benefits are quantified in economic models for genomics in healthcare
  3. Societal benefits are integrated in economic models for specific genomic tests
  4. Societal benefits are integrated in global genomics economic models for regional or national healthcare systems
  5. Societal benefits are integrated in global genomics economic models for regional or national healthcare systems and optimised for novel tools and technologies

III. Ethics, legislation and policy



Maturity levels

Data protectionCertainity that personal data is used fairly, lawfully and transparently – for specified, explicit purposes – in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited to only what is necessary, accurate and, where necessary, kept up-to-date, for no longer than is necessary, and handled in a way that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unlawful or unauthorised processing, access, loss, destruction or damage.

There are normsA set of principles of right action binding upon group members and serving to guide, control or regulate appropriate and acceptable behaviour. E.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct. to protect and ensure the lawful, fair and transparent processing of personal dataData related to a living individual, who is likely to be identified by the data directly or combined with other data (e.g. through a pseudonym). [ref. Art. 4 GDPR]

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Quality of patient care involving genetic/genomic testing

There are norms ensuring the quality of genetic/genomic testing services (e.g. professional codes, self-regulatory bodies)

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Special rules and counselling for vulnerable groups

There are special rules to ensure that vulnerable groupsVulnerable groups of population include children, adults with diminished capacities, the elderly, racial or ethnic minorities, the socioeconomically disadvantaged, underinsured or those with certain medical conditions who are at risk for unequal healthcare access, outcomes and exploitation. have access to genetic/genomic testing, with counselling and appropriate protections to fully respect their rights and avoid their exploitation

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Consent to genetic/genomic testing and genetic counselling

There are norms to ensure appropriate consent is obtained and counselling is provided in relation to genetic/genomic testing

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Confidentiality, professional secrecy

There are norms protecting the confidentiality of patient genetic/genomic test results, and specifically clarifying where family members may have rights to access these results

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Preventing mis-use of genetic/genomic results

There are norms limiting genetic/genomic testing to legitimate purposes and preventing mis-use (e.g. no employer/insurer discrimination)

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Health data reuseReuse, or secondary use, of health data for purposes other than the primary reason for which they were originally saved. Other purposes may include scientific research, development and innovation activities, teaching and statistics. and innovation

There is a national strategy for promoting health research and innovation, and associated data protectionCertainity that personal data is used fairly, lawfully and transparently – for specified, explicit purposes – in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited to only what is necessary, accurate and, where necessary, kept up-to-date, for no longer than is necessary, and handled in a way that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unlawful or unauthorised processing, access, loss, destruction or damage. rules allowing sharing and further processingThe processing of personal data for a different purpose(s) than the initially collected. of health/genetic dataGenetic data.
Personal data related to the inherited or acquired genetic characteristics of an individual, which give unique information about his/her physiology or health, that result from an analysis of a biological sample from the individual in question.
Personal data.
Related to the physical or mental health of an individual independent of its origin (e.g. healthcare context, research, clinical trials, the data subject directly, smart devices).
[ref. Art. 4 GDPR]
for research or treating other patients

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Data sharing

There are norms facilitating genomic data sharing by researchers and/or healthcare providers, at the national and international levels

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Research integrity

There are norms and processes ensuring the ethical practice and scientific integrity of genomic research

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Coordinated research ethics oversight

There is a national (or regional if appropriate) research ethics committee or network to effectively and efficiently oversee the conduct of multicentre genetic/genomic studies

  1. A framework for national or regional research ethics committee to oversee multicentre genetic/genomic studies does not exist
  2. A framework for national or regional research ethics committee to oversee multicentre genetic/genomic studies is under development
  3. A framework for national or regional research ethics committee to oversee multicentre genetic/genomic studies exists, but is not consistently enforced
  4. A framework for national or regional research ethics committee to oversee multicentre genetic/genomic studies is implemented and consistently enforced
  5. A framework for national or regional research ethics committee to oversee multicentre genetic/genomic studies is implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose


There are norms addressing the accreditation, registration, supervision, secure storage, and responsible use (including exchange and sharing) of human biological samples

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

IV. Public awareness and acceptance



Maturity levels

Awareness Public's level of understanding about the importance and implications of genomic medicine.

There are literacy programmes or campaigns on genomic medicine with monitored impact on awareness

  1. No
  2. Literacy programmes or campaigns are available locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. as a bottom up initiative, on particular topics
  3. Strategy for literacy programmes or campaigns targeting specific audiences is defined, based on genomic literacy surveys, and under implementation
  4. Strategy for literacy programmes or campaigns targeting specific audiences is defined, and widely implemented with dedicated funds
  5. Strategy for literacy programmes or campaigns is widely implemented, with regular evaluation and monitoring of impact on awareness, update of topics to include innovation, and with dedicated funds

AcceptancePerceived usefulness of genomic medicine to patients. Recognition from citizens, patients and patients' associations of a positive impact of the use of genomic medicine on patients levels of satisfaction.

Synergies with patient associations are well established

  1. No
  2. Available locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. as a bottom up initiative with specific associations
  3. Strategy for engaging patient associations in genomic medicine issues is defined and under implementation
  4. Strategy for engaging patient associations in genomic medicine issues is widely implemented at national level, with dedicated funds
  5. Strategy for engaging patient associations in genomic medicine issues is widely implemented at national level, with dedicated funds, regular monitoring and updates to include innovation

Communication to the general public

There is a communication strategy for genomic medicine

  1. No
  2. Available locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. as a bottom up initiative with specific target audiences
  3. A global strategy for communication with the public is under development
  4. A global strategy for communication with the public is widely implemented, with dedicated funds
  5. A global strategy for communication with the public is widely implemented, with dedicated funds and regular monitoring, and includes tools for active involvement of the public in general and minorities and youth in particular

V. Workforce skills and organisation



Maturity levels


Genomics is integrated in general university curricula for medical doctors

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, training options under development
  3. Training available, under implementation
  4. Training available and widely implemented
  5. Training curricula regularly updated to incorporate novel technologies and tools

Genomics is integrated in general curricula for nurses

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, training options under development
  3. Training available, under implementation
  4. Training available and widely implemented
  5. Training curricula regularly updated to incorporate novel technologies and tools

Genomics is integrated in general curricula for pharmacists

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, training options under development
  3. Training available, under implementation
  4. Training available and widely implemented
  5. Training curricula regularly updated to incorporate novel technologies and tools

Careers in genomic medicine

There are officially recognised professional titles and career paths for genomic medicine

  1. No workforce strategy or policy that recognises genomic medicine professionals, and distribution of professionals is ad hoc
  2. Strategy or policy for genomic medicine professionals is proposed and under review
  3. Strategy or policy for genomic medicine professionals is approved and under implementation
  4. Strategy or policy for genomic medicine professionals is implemented, with full recognition and acceptance of career paths
  5. Professional titles and career paths for genomic medicine professionals are flexible and regularly updated to incorporate needs from novel technologies and tools

There are training programmes for genetic counselling

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, training options under development
  3. Training graduates are available but not yet deployed
  4. Training graduates are deployed, but essential personnel gaps remain
  5. Sufficient numbers of training graduates are available to support evolving national/regional needs

There are life-long or continuing education programmes in genomic medicine for different healthcare professionals

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, training options under development
  3. Training available, under implementation
  4. Training available and widely implemented
  5. Training curricula regularly updated to incorporate novel technologies and tools

Policy makers

There are programmes for policy makers and healthcare managers to raise awareness on genomic medicine and its implications for healthcare

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, program options under development
  3. Programmes available, under implementation
  4. Fully functional implementation of programmes at national level
  5. Programmes are implemented and periodically evaluated for inclusion of novel tools and technologies

VI. Clinical organisation, infrastructure and tools



Maturity levels

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) tools for clinical decision

There are ICT toolsInformation and communication technology, such as electronic health records, telehealth or online resources. supporting clinical interpretation of genomic results, clinical decision-making and communication with the patient implemented in public hospitals and clinics

  1. ICT tools not available
  2. ICT tools available in selected hospitals, frequently associated with research projects
  3. ICT tools under wider implementation in healthcare systems following a strategy for genomic medicine
  4. ICT tools implemented where needed as part of national/regional health systems strategies for genomic medicine
  5. ICT tools implemented and periodically evaluated and optimised for novel tools and updates

Multidisciplinary teamsTeams comprised of individuals who span across different areas of expertise to cover all knowledge areas required for genomic medicine.

Clinical teams for genomic medicine are multidisciplinary and include ICT, biomedical and psychology experts

  1. Not available
  2. Teams are assembled in some hospitals as a bottom up initiative, but not all areas are covered or necessary tools are available
  3. Guidelines for assembling multidisciplinary teams exist, and there are referral networks at regional/local level
  4. Guidelines for assembling multidisciplinary teams and referral networks are implemented at regional/national level, aligned with a strategy for genomics in healthcare and with dedicated funding
  5. Multidisciplinary teams are the norm for implementation of national genomics in medicine strategy and the guidelines for their assembly and operation, and referral networks, are reviewed and optimised periodically

Uptake of novel tools and technologies for genomics

Adoption of novel technologies and software tools to support clinical decisions is fit-for-purpose

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Novel technologies and tools are selected and implemented locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. per hospital, laboratory)
  3. There are plans and processes for adoption of novel technologies and tools to support clinical decision making, but not widely implemented at regional/national levels
  4. Plans and processes for adoption of novel technologies and tools to support clinical decision making are centralised at the regional/national levels, and aligned with a national genomics in healthcare strategy
  5. Plans and processes for adoption of novel technologies and tools to support clinical decision making are centralised at the regional/national levels, and aligned with a national genomics in healthcare strategy and with international standards

Synergies with research

There are processes established for the integration of the clinics with research outcomes

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Implemented at a local level, depending on individual initiative
  3. Implemented at local and regional level according to a local strategy for integrating stakeholders and partnerships
  4. Implemented at national level with well established partnerships, support from public funds and dedicated budget
  5. Implemented at national and international level with well established partnerships, periodically evaluated, support from public funds and dedicated budget

Partnership with industry

There are effective partnerships with stakeholders from the industry sector

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Implemented at a local level, depending on individual initiative
  3. Implemented at local and regional level according to a local strategy for integrating stakeholders and partnerships from the industry sector
  4. Implemented at national level with well established partnerships, according to a national strategy for integration of industry stakeholders
  5. Implemented with well established national and international partnerships, according to a national strategy for integration of industry stakeholders

VII. Clinical genomics guidelines and infrastructure



Maturity levels

Sequencing/ genotyping infrastructure

Genomic centres are established

  1. No
  2. Genomic centres are local (e.g. hospital, laboratory)
  3. Genomic centres infrastructure networks are under development, to include common working guidelines and shared policies
  4. Genomic centres infrastructure networks are implemented at the regional/national levels, and operate under common guidelines and policies
  5. Genomic centres infrastructure networks are implemented at the regional/national levels, and operate under common guidelines and policies and aligned with global standards

Sequencing guidelines

Guidelines for sequencing are defined

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for sequencing data generation are available locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. hospital, laboratory, project)
  3. Local level genomic sequence generation for clinical use is aligned with ISOThe International Organisation for Standardisation laboratory accreditation/protocols
  4. Genomic sequence generation is co-ordinated at regional/national level and aligned with ISO laboratory accreditation/protocols
  5. Genomic sequence generation at regional/national level is governed in alignment with ISO accreditation/protocols, reviewed periodically, and in line with international standards

Primary bioinformatics analysisThe initial analysis that turns the machine output of genomic sequencing into genomic information for clinical/research interpretation or other contexts.

Guidelines for genomic data analysis are defined

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for genomic data analysis are available at local/organisation level
  3. Guidelines for genomic data analysis are available at the regional/national level
  4. Standardised genomic analysis guidelines are implemented at national level and reviewed periodically
  5. Standardised genomic analysis guidelines are implemented at national level, reviewed periodically and aligned with global standards

Structure of sequence-associated metadata

Guidelines for sequence-metadataData that provides information about other data, specifically about genomic-sequence data. structure to support clinical interpretation are established

  1. No
  2. Guidelines to structure metadata to meet clinical use cases are defined locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. at the hospital, laboratory level)
  3. Guidelines to structure metadata to meet clinical use cases are defined regionally/nationally
  4. Standardised guidelines to structure metadata to meet clinical use cases are implemented at the national level and are reviewed periodically
  5. International guidelines to structure metadata to meet clinical use cases are followed, implemented at the national level and are reviewed periodically

Clinical interpretation

Guidelines for clinical interpretation of genomic resultsGuidelines for translating the technical output of a genetic or genomic test into potentially clinically actionable information. are defined.

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for clinical interpretation of genomic results are defined locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. at the hospital, laboratory level)
  3. Guidelines for clinical interpretation of genomic results are defined regionally/nationally (e.g. by national genetics societies)
  4. Guidelines for clinical interpretation of genomic results from internationally recognised bodies (e.g. ACMG, ClinGen) are implemented nationally
  5. Guidelines for clinical interpretation of genomic results from internationally recognised bodies are implemented nationally, and there are interactions with these international bodies for guideline definition for specific diseases (e.g. ACMG, ClinGen)

Clinical reporting

Guidelines for clinical reporting of genomic resultsGuidelines for reporting the actionable results of a genetic or genomic test to the attending clinician and/or patient. are defined

  1. No
  2. Consistent clinical reporting guidelines are developed at an organisational level
  3. National best practices for clinical reporting are defined and monitored, but not consistently enforced
  4. National best practices for clinical reporting are enforced and monitored
  5. Guidelines for clinical reporting are enforced at the national levels, in alignment with international standards and regularly reviewed based on changes in technological, regulatory and ethical considerations

VIII. Data management, standards and infrastructure



Maturity levels

Data security

Infrastructure and policies for data security are established

  1. No
  2. Security policies and infrastructure are defined at the organisation level
  3. Security policies and infrastructure are nationally defined but not sufficiently enforced
  4. Security policies and infrastructure are established under national regulation and fully enforced
  5. Security policies follow international best practices for data security and are regularly reviewed based on changes in technological, regulatory and ethical considerations

Data discoverability (findable)

Guidelines for structuring metadata for datasetsStructured dataset metadata.
Metadata (data that provides information about other data) for datasets that supports data discoverability using international standards.
are established at the local level.

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for structuring metadata for datasets are established at the local level
  3. Guidelines for structuring metadata for datasets established at the local level are documented and implemented, and their usage is tracked
  4. Guidelines for structuring metadata for datasets are established nationally
  5. Guidelines for structuring metadata for datasets are established nationally, and there is national level interaction with the development and adoption of international standards for dataset metadata structure and labelling

Data access management (accessible)

Data access governance framework is established

  1. No
  2. Data access governance is established locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. by department, institution)
  3. Scope of data access governance is defined nationally or regionally, with stakeholder consultation
  4. Data access governance is led centrallyBased within a national or regional node., fully functional, and implementation is monitored based on a national or regional work plan
  5. Data access governance structure is institutionalised, protected from interference or organisational changes, and open to novel developments

Data sharing policies and data flows are established

  1. No
  2. Data access granting is fully manual, with individual agreements created with each request
  3. Standardised local data sharing policies are established, with limited data flows managed electronically
  4. Electronic systems are implemented to support data sharing policies and are adopted nationally
  5. Application for data access is semi-automated and follows international standards and there is national representation on the continued development of these standards

Reception and interfacesThis consists of two areas.
(1) Reception. Uniform processes (such as quality control and standardisation) to receive (download) or access (through API) both data and metadata in a consistent way, enabling infrastructures to adhere to global standards and principles for genotypic and phenotypic data. It includes logically describing datasets to the extent that they can become actionable on the infrastructure, even if they are stored nationally or locally.
(2) Interfaces. Organisations offer interfaces (APIs) following international standards that form the technically interoperable infrastructure backbone.
[Adapted from the 1+MG Scoping paper]

Guidelines for recordA dataset record is a collection of fields of information about the same person, item or object in a database. It can be thought of as a row of information within a database table. level data structure are established

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for record structure for discovery are established at the local level
  3. Guidelines for record structure for discovery established at the local level and are documented, implemented and their usage is tracked
  4. Guidelines for record structure for discovery are established nationally and are documented, implemented and their usage is tracked
  5. Guidelines for record structure are established nationally and there are national level interactions for the development and adoption of international standards for dataset structure for discovery

Guidelines for dataset structureThe dataset is formatted in a standard way to support interoperability, i.e. via use of international standards. are established

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for dataset structure and access for discovery are established at the local level
  3. Guidelines for dataset structure and access for discovery established at the local level and are documented, implemented and their usage is tracked
  4. Guidelines for record structure and access for discovery are established nationally and are documented, implemented and their usage is tracked
  5. Guidelines for dataset structure and access are established nationally and there are national level interaction for the development and adoption of international standards for dataset structure and access for discovery

Data sharing infrastructure is established using a federated modelA distributed network of repositories for sharing genomic information.

  1. No
  2. Data sharing infrastructure is set up locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. by department or institution)
  3. Data sharing infrastructure interoperates within the region
  4. Data sharing infrastructure interoperates with infrastructures from other regions
  5. Data sharing infrastructure interoperates with an international federation

Services for data receptionUniform processes (such as quality control and standardisation) to receive (download) or access (through API) both data and metadata in a consistent way, enabling infrastructures to adhere to global standards and principles for genotypic and phenotypic data. It includes logically describing datasets to an extent that they can become actionable on the infrastructure, even if they are stored nationally or locally. [Adapted from the 1+MG Scoping paper] to support interoperability are established

  1. Genomic data services accept unstructured data without quality control measures
  2. Genomic data services have quality control measures and formats implemented locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. by department or institution)
  3. Genomic data services quality control measures and formats are implemented locally but all data received align with international standards
  4. Genomic data services accept data only in formats agreed nationally/regionally and there is automatic quality control upon reception
  5. All data received into genomic data services are automatically validated to ensure alignment with international standards

Processing and analysis (reusable)

A computational and data infrastructure for medical reuse and secondary data analysisThe use of existing data, collected for a prior study, to pursue a research interest that is different to that of the original work. is available

  1. No
  2. A computational and data infrastructure is available to support local analysis of data
  3. A computational and data infrastructure is available to support transregional analysis of data
  4. A computational and data infrastructure is in place to support national analysis of data
  5. A computational and data infrastructure supports national analysis of data and is aligned with and supports cross-border data analysis

I. Governance and strategy – 100%



Maturity levels


Country/region has a dedicated governance bodyAgency/department/national working group with the legal mandate to establish and enforce legal, professional and behavioral norms of conduct, conventions and practices related to genomic medicine. for genomics in healthcare

  1. No dedicated governance body
  2. Existing governance body, but not fully functional or meeting regularly
  3. Scope of governance body work is defined, with stakeholder consultation, and formally approved
  4. Governance body is fully operating, led centrallyBased within a national or regional node., and activities are monitored based on a work plan
  5. Governance body is institutionalised, recognised as the lead for genomics in healthcare, and is open to novel developments and supportive of international cooperation


Genomics in healthcare is established as a priority at national/regional level

  1. Genomics in healthcare is not included in national/regional health plans
  2. Inclusion of genomics in healthcare in relevant national/regional health plans is under discussion
  3. Genomics in healthcare is included in relevant national/regional health plans
  4. Genomics in healthcare is implemented as part of national/regional health and other relevant plans (e.g. education or research)
  5. Genomics in healthcare is implemented in health and other relevant plans, and is periodically evaluated for optimisation, taking into account novel developments at the international level


There is a national/regional strategy for genomics in healthcare with a costed implementation planA multi-year roadmap that enables governments to prioritise interventions, engage stakeholders around one strategy, forecast costs and mobilise resources to meet identified gaps, namely to implement genomics in healthcare systems.

  1. No genomics in healthcare strategy with costed implementation plan
  2. A strategy for genomics in healthcare with costed implementation plan under discussion
  3. A costed implementation plan for genomics in healthcare is developed and approved
  4. The national/regional strategy for genomics in healthcare is under implementation
  5. The national/regional strategy for genomics in healthcare is implemented, with monitoring and long term resources

II. Investment and economic model – 93%



Maturity levels


There is public funding for genomics in healthcare

  1. There is no established public funding for genomics in healthcare
  2. Public funding for genomics in healthcare is allocated locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. at hospital level)
  3. There is a national/regional investment plan for genomics in healthcare that is mostly dedicated to setting up infrastructure
  4. There is a national/regional investment plan for the regular operational costs of genomics in healthcare (e.g. rare diseases diagnostics, cancer treatment)
  5. There is a national/regional investment plan for genomics in healthcare that incorporates innovation according to opportunities and international developments

Access and reimbursement

Genomic tests have a reimbursement or no-cost access planDetailed set of rules that determines rights, duties and procedures to benefit from access to genomic tests at no cost at national/regional level

  1. No central reimbursement or no-cost access plan for genomic tests
  2. Reimbursement or no-cost access plans for genomic tests are developed and approved
  3. Reimbursement or no-cost access plans for genomic tests are operationalised
  4. Reimbursement or no-cost access plans for genomic tests are fully implemented in national/regional healthcare systems
  5. Reimbursement or no-cost access plans for genomic tests are fully implemented, periodically evaluated and optimised, with plan for adoption of novel tools and technologies

Health Technology Assessment (HTA) framework

There is a specific HTA frameworkA multidisciplinary process that uses explicit methods to determine the value of health technology at different points in its lifecycle to help decision-makers make informed decisions. for genomic testing in healthcare

  1. No central HTA framework for genomic testing
  2. HTA framework for genomic testing is developed and approved
  3. HTA framework for genomic testing is operationalised
  4. HTA framework for genomic testing is implemented in healthcare system
  5. HTA framework is implemented, periodically evaluated and optimised, with plan for adoption of novel tools and technologies

Cost-effectiveness model

There is a Cost-effectiveness modelAn analytic framework used to compile the best available information on multple variables, such as clinical efficacy, health-related quality of life, resource use or costs, and estimate the costs and effectiveness of an intervention, for instance, a genomic test. for use of genomic tests in healthcare

  1. No cost-effectiveness model
  2. Cost-effectiveness model is developed and approved
  3. Cost-effectiveness model is under implementation as pilots
  4. Cost-effectiveness model is implemented in healthcare systems nationally or regionally
  5. Cost-effectiveness model is implemented, periodically evaluated and optimised, with plan for adoption of novel tools and technologies

Societal (patient/citizen) benefits

Societal benefitsAny advantages, gains or improvements as a result of employing a genomic approach to a group of people (e.g. patients, citizens). are integrated in economic modelsA structured approach to help decision-makers choose between alternative ways of using resources, by weighting the cost of an action against the benefits that it provides. It is frequently used to anticipate the costs and benefits of new health care technologies, policies and regulations. for genomics

  1. Societal benefits are not integrated in economic models for genomics in healthcare
  2. Societal benefits are quantified in economic models for genomics in healthcare
  3. Societal benefits are integrated in economic models for specific genomic tests
  4. Societal benefits are integrated in global genomics economic models for regional or national healthcare systems
  5. Societal benefits are integrated in global genomics economic models for regional or national healthcare systems and optimised for novel tools and technologies

III. Legislation and policy – 93%



Maturity levels

Data protectionCertainity that personal data is used fairly, lawfully and transparently – for specified, explicit purposes – in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited to only what is necessary, accurate and, where necessary, kept up-to-date, for no longer than is necessary, and handled in a way that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unlawful or unauthorised processing, access, loss, destruction or damage.

There are normsA set of principles of right action binding upon group members and serving to guide, control or regulate appropriate and acceptable behaviour. E.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct. to protect and ensure the lawful, fair and transparent processing of personal dataData related to a living individual, who is likely to be identified by the data directly or combined with other data (e.g. through a pseudonym). [ref. Art. 4 GDPR]

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Quality of patient care involving genetic/genomic testing

There are norms ensuring the quality genetic/genomic testing services (e.g. professional codes, self-regulatory bodies)

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Special rules for vulnerable groups (e.g. minors, adults with diminished capacity)

There are special rules to ensure that vulnerable groups have access to genetic/genomic testing, with appropriate protections to avoid their exploitation

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Consent to genetic/genomic testing and genetic counselling

There are norms to ensure appropriate consent is obtained and counselling is provided in relation to genetic/genomic testing

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose.

Confidentiality, professional secrecy

There are norms protecting the confidentiality of patient genetic/genomic test results, and clarifying where family members may have rights to access these results

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Preventing mis-use of genetic/genomic results

There are norms limiting genetic/genomic testing to legitimate purposes and preventing mis-use (e.g. no employer/insurer discrimination)

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Health data reuseReuse, or secondary use, of health data for purposes other than the primary reason for which they were originally saved. Other purposes may include scientific research, development and innovation activities, teaching and statistics. and innovation

There is a national strategy for promoting health research and innovation, and associated data protectionCertainity that personal data is used fairly, lawfully and transparently – for specified, explicit purposes – in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited to only what is necessary, accurate and, where necessary, kept up-to-date, for no longer than is necessary, and handled in a way that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unlawful or unauthorised processing, access, loss, destruction or damage. rules allowing sharing and further processingThe processing of personal data for a different purpose(s) than the initially collected. of health/genetic dataGenetic dataPersonal data related to the inherited or acquired genetic characteristics of an individual, which give unique information about his/her physiology or health, that result from an analysis of a biological sample from the individual in question.
Health data
Personal data related to the physical or mental health of an individual independent of its origin (e.g. healthcare context, research, clinical trials, the data subject directly, smart devices).
[ref. Art. 4 GDPR]
for research or treating other patients

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Data sharing

There are norms promoting genomic data sharing by researchers/healthcare providers

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Research integrity

There are norms and processes ensuring the ethical and scientific integrity of genomic research

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

Coordinated research ethics oversight

There is a national research ethics committee or network to effectively and efficiently oversee the conduct of multicentre genetic/genomic studies

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose


There are norms addressing the accreditation, registration, supervision, secure storage, and responsible use of human biological samples

  1. Norms (e.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct) do not exist
  2. Norms are implemented but insufficient in scope
  3. Norms are implemented but not yet consistently enforced
  4. Norms are implemented and consistently enforced
  5. Norms are implemented, enforced and fit-for-purpose

IV. Public awareness and acceptance – 93%



Maturity levels

Awareness Public's level of understanding about the importance and implications of genomic medicine.

There are literacy programmes or campaigns on genomic medicine

  1. No
  2. Literacy programmes or campaigns are available locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. as a bottom up initiative, on particular topics
  3. Strategy for literacy programmes or campaigns is defined and under implementation
  4. Strategy for literacy programmes or campaigns is defined and widely implemented at national level, with dedicated funds
  5. Strategy for literacy programmes or campaigns is widely implemented at national level, with regular update of topics to include innovation, and with dedicated funds

AcceptancePerceived usefulness of genomic medicine to patients. Recognition from citizens, patients and patients' associations of a positive impact of the use of genomic medicine on patients levels of satisfaction.

Synergies with patient associations are well established

  1. No
  2. Available locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. as a bottom up initiative with specific associations
  3. Strategy for engaging patient associations in genomic medicine issues is defined and under implementation
  4. Strategy for engaging patient associations in genomic medicine issues is widely implemented at national level, with dedicated funds
  5. Strategy for engaging patient associations in genomic medicine issues is widely implemented at national level, with dedicated funds, regular monitoring and updates to include innovation

Communication to the general public

There is a communication strategy for genomic medicine

  1. No
  2. Available locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. as a bottom up initiative with specific target audiences
  3. Global strategy for communication to the public is under development
  4. Strategy for communication is widely implemented at national level, with dedicated funds
  5. Strategy for communication is widely implemented at national level, with dedicated funds, regular monitoring and updates to include innovation

V. Workforce skills and organisation – 100%



Maturity levels


Genomics is integrated in general university curricula for medical doctors

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, training options under development
  3. Training available, under implementation
  4. Training available and widely implemented
  5. Training curricula regularly updated to incorporate novel technologies and tools

Genomics is integrated in general curricula for nurses

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, training options under development
  3. Training available, under implementation
  4. Training available and widely implemented
  5. Training curricula regularly updated to incorporate novel technologies and tools

Genomics is integrated in general curricula for pharmacists

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, training options under development
  3. Training available, under implementation
  4. Training available and widely implemented
  5. Training curricula regularly updated to incorporate novel technologies and tools

Careers in genomic medicine

There are officially recognised professional titles and career paths for genomic medicine

  1. No workforce strategy or policy that recognises genomic medicine professionals, and distribution of professionals is ad hoc
  2. Strategy or policy for genomic medicine professionals is proposed and under review
  3. Strategy or policy for genomic medicine professionals is approved and under implementation
  4. Strategy or policy for genomic medicine professionals is implemented, with full recognition and acceptance of career paths
  5. Professional titles and career paths for genomic medicine professionals are flexible and regularly updated to incorporate needs from novel technologies and tools

There are training programmes for genetic counselling

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, training options under development
  3. Training graduates are available but not yet deployed
  4. Training graduates are deployed, but essential personnel gaps remain
  5. Sufficient numbers of training graduates are available to support evolving national/regional needs

There are life-long or continuing education programmes in genomic medicine for different healthcare professionals

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, training options under development
  3. Training available, under implementation
  4. Training available and widely implemented
  5. Training curricula regularly updated to incorporate novel technologies and tools

Policy makers

There are programmes for policy makers and healthcare managers to raise awareness on genomic medicine and its implications for healthcare

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Needs assessed, gaps identified, program options under development
  3. Programmes available, under implementation
  4. Fully functional implementation of programmes at national level
  5. Programmes are implemented and periodically evaluated for inclusion of novel tools and technologies

VI. Clinical organisation, infrastructure and tools – 100%



Maturity levels

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) tools for clinical decision

There are ICT toolsInformation and communication technology, such as electronic health records, telehealth or online resources. for clinical interpretation of genomic results implemented in public hospitals and clinics

  1. ICT tools not available
  2. ICT tools available in selected hospitals, frequently associated with research projects
  3. ICT tools under wider implementation in healthcare systems following a strategy for genomic medicine
  4. ICT tools implemented where needed as part of national/regional health systems strategies for genomic medicine
  5. ICT tools implemented and periodically evaluated and optimised for novel tools and updates

Multidisciplinary teamsTeams comprised of individuals who span across different areas of expertise to cover all knowledge areas required for genomic medicine.

Clinical teams for genomic medicine are multidisciplinary and include ICT and biomedical experts

  1. Not available
  2. Teams are assembled in some hospitals as a bottom up initiative, but not all areas are covered or necessary tools are available
  3. Guidelines for assembling multidisciplinary teams exist, and there are referral networks at regional/local level
  4. Guidelines for assembling multidisciplinary teams and referral networks are implemented at regional/national level, aligned with a strategy for genomics in healthcare and with dedicated funding
  5. Multidisciplinary teams are the norm for implementation of national genomics in medicine strategy and the guidelines for their assembly and operation, and referral networks, are reviewed and optimised periodically

Turnover/uptake of novel tools and technology

Adoption of novel technologies and software tools to support clinical decisions is fit-for-purpose

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Novel technologies and tools are selected and implemented locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. per hospital, laboratory)
  3. There are plans and processes for adoption of novel technologies and tools to support clinical decision making, but not widely implemented at regional/national levels
  4. Plans and processes for adoption of novel technologies and tools to support clinical decision making are centralised at the regional/national levels, and aligned with a national genomics in healthcare strategy
  5. Plans and processes for adoption of novel technologies and tools to support clinical decision making are centralised at the regional/national levels, and aligned with a national genomics in healthcare strategy and with international standards

Synergies with research

There are processes established for the integration of the clinics with research outcomes

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Implemented at a local level, depending on free will
  3. Implemented at local and regional level according to a local strategy for integrating stakeholders and partnerships
  4. Implemented at national level with well established partnerships, support from public funds and dedicated budget
  5. Implemented at national and international level with well established partnerships, periodically evaluated, support from public funds and dedicated budget

Synergies with industry

There is integration of stakeholders and partnerships from the industry sector

  1. No or ad hoc
  2. Implemented at a local level, depending on free will
  3. Implemented at local and regional level according to a local strategy for integrating stakeholders and partnerships from the industry sector
  4. Implemented at national level with well established partnerships, according to a national strategy for integration of industry stakeholders
  5. Implemented with well established national and international partnerships, according to a national strategy for integration of industry stakeholders

VII. Clinical genomics guidelines and infrastructure – 93%



Maturity levels

Sequencing/ genotyping infrastructure

Genomic centres are established

  1. No
  2. Genomic centres are local (e.g. hospital/lab)
  3. Genomic centres infrastructure networks are under development, to include common working guidelines and shared policies
  4. Genomic centres infrastructure networks are implemented at the regional/national levels, and operate under common guidelines and policies
  5. Genomic centres infrastructure networks are implemented at the regional/national levels, and operate under common guidelines and policies and aligned with global standards

Sequencing guidelines

Guidelines for sequencing are defined

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for sequencing data generation are available locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. hospital/lab/project)
  3. Local level genomic sequence generation for clinical use is aligned with ISOThe International Organisation for Standardisation laboratory accreditation/protocols
  4. Genomic sequence generation is co-ordinated at regional/national level and aligned with ISO laboratory accreditation/protocols
  5. Genomic sequence generation at regional/national level is governed in alignment with ISO accreditation/protocols, reviewed periodically, and in line with international standards

Primary bioinformatics analysisThe initial analysis that turns the machine output of genomic sequencing into genomic information for clinical/research interpretation or other contexts.

Guidelines for genomic data analysis are defined

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for genomic data analysis are available at local/organisation level
  3. Guidelines for genomic data analysis are available at the regional/national level
  4. Standardised genomic analysis guidelines are implemented at national level and reviewed periodically
  5. Standardised genomic analysis guidelines are implemented at national level, reviewed periodically and aligned with global standards

Structure of sequence-associated metadata

Guidelines for sequence-metadataData that provides information about other data, specifically about genomic-sequence data. structure to support clinical interpretation are established

  1. No
  2. Guidelines to structure metadata to meet clinical use cases are defined locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. at the hospital or laboratory level)
  3. Guidelines to structure metadata to meet clinical use cases are defined regionally/nationally
  4. Standardised guidelines to structure metadata to meet clinical use cases are implemented at the national level and are reviewed periodically
  5. International guidelines to structure metadata to meet clinical use cases are followed, implemented at the national level and are reviewed periodically

Clinical interpretation

Guidelines for clinical interpretation of genomic resultsGuidelines for translating the technical output of a genetic or genomic test into potentially clinically actionable information. are defined.

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for clinical interpretation of genomic results are defined locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. at the hospital or laboratory level)
  3. Guidelines for clinical interpretation of genomic results are defined regionally/nationally (e.g. by national genetics societies)
  4. Guidelines for clinical interpretation of genomic results from internationally recognised bodies (e.g. ACMG) are implemented nationally
  5. Guidelines for clinical interpretation of genomic results from internationally recognised bodies are implemented nationally, and there interactions with these international bodies for guideline definition for specific diseases (e.g. ACMG/ClinGen)

Clinical reporting

Guidelines for clinical reporting of genomic resultsGuidelines for reporting the actionable results of a genetic or genomic test to the attending clinician and/or patient. are defined

  1. No
  2. Consistent clinical reporting guidelines are developed at an organisational level
  3. National best practices for clinical reporting are defined and monitored, but not consistently enforced
  4. National best practices for clinical reporting are enforced and monitored
  5. Guidelines for clinical reporting are enforced at the national levels, in alignment with international standards and regularly reviewed based on changes in technological, regulatory and ethical considerations

VIII. Data management, standards and infrastructure – 93%



Maturity levels

Data security

Infrastructure and policies for data security are established

  1. No
  2. Security policies and infrastructure are defined at the organisation level
  3. Security policies and infrastructure are nationally defined but not sufficiently enforced
  4. Security policies and infrastructure are established under national regulation and fully enforced
  5. Security policies follow international best practices for data security and are regularly reviewed based on changes in technological, regulatory and ethical considerations

Data discoverability (findable)

Guidelines for structuring metadata for datasetsStructured dataset metadata.
Metadata (data that provides information about other data) for datasets that supports data discoverability using international standards.
are established at the local level.

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for structuring metadata for datasets are established at the local level
  3. Guidelines for structuring metadata for datasets established at the local level are documented and implemented, and their usage is tracked
  4. Guidelines for structuring metadata for datasets are established nationally
  5. Guidelines for structuring metadata for datasets are established nationally, and there is national level interaction with the development and adoption of international standards for dataset metadata structure and labelling

Data access management (accessible)

Data sharing policies and data flows are established

  1. No
  2. Data access granting is fully manual, with individual agreements created with each request
  3. Standardised local data sharing policies are established, with limited data flows managed electronically
  4. Electronic systems are implemented to support data sharing policies and are adopted nationally
  5. Application for data access is semi-automated and follows international standards and there is national representation on the continued development of these standards

Data access governance framework is established

  1. No
  2. Data access governance is established locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. by department or institution)
  3. Scope of data access governance is defined nationally, with stakeholder consultation
  4. Data access governance is led centrallyBased within a national or regional node., fully functional, and implementation is monitored based on a national work plan
  5. Data access governance structure is institutionalised, protected from interference or organisational changes, and open to novel developments

Reception and interfacesThis consists of two areas.
(1) Reception. Uniform processes (such as quality control and standardisation) to receive (download) or access (through API) both data and metadata in a consistent way, enabling infrastructures to adhere to global standards and principles for genotypic and phenotypic data. It includes logically describing datasets to the extent that they can become actionable on the infrastructure, even if they are stored nationally or locally.
(2) Interfaces. Organisations offer interfaces (APIs) following international standards that form the technically interoperable infrastructure backbone.
[Adapted from the 1+MG Scoping paper]

Guidelines for recordA dataset record is a collection of fields of information about the same person, item or object in a database. It can be thought of as a row of information within a database table. level data structure are established

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for record structure for discovery are established at the local level
  3. Guidelines for record structure for discovery established at the local level and are documented, implemented and their usage is tracked
  4. Guidelines for record structure for discovery are established nationally and are documented, implemented and their usage is tracked
  5. Guidelines for record structure are established nationally and there are national level interactions for the development and adoption of international standards for dataset structure for discovery

Guidelines for dataset structureThe dataset is formatted in a standard way to support interoperability, i.e. via use of international standards. are established

  1. No
  2. Guidelines for dataset structure and access for discovery are established at the local level
  3. Guidelines for dataset structure and access for discovery established at the local level and are documented, implemented and their usage is tracked
  4. Guidelines for record structure and access for discovery are established nationally and are documented, implemented and their usage is tracked
  5. Guidelines for dataset structure and access are established nationally and there are national level interaction for the development and adoption of international standards for dataset structure and access for discovery

Data sharing infrastructure is established using a federated modelA distributed network of repositories for sharing genomic information.

  1. No
  2. Data sharing infrastructure is set up locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. by department or institution)
  3. Data sharing infrastructure interoperates within the region
  4. Data sharing infrastructure interoperates with infrastructures from other regions
  5. Data sharing infrastructure interoperates with an international federation

Services for data receptionUniform processes (such as quality control and standardisation) to receive (download) or access (through API) both data and metadata in a consistent way, enabling infrastructures to adhere to global standards and principles for genotypic and phenotypic data. It includes logically describing datasets to an extent that they can become actionable on the infrastructure, even if they are stored nationally or locally. [Adapted from the 1+MG Scoping paper] to support interoperability are established

  1. Genomic data services accept unstructured data without quality control measures
  2. Genomic data services have quality control measures and formats implemented locallyWithin a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital. (e.g. by department or institution)
  3. Genomic data services quality control measures and formats are implemented locally but all data received align with international standards
  4. Genomic data services accept data only in formats agreed nationally/regionally and automatically quality controlled upon reception
  5. All data received into genomic data services are automatically validated to ensure alignment with international standards

Processing and analysis (reusable)

Computational and data infrastructure for medical reuse and secondary data analysisThe use of existing data, collected for a prior study, to pursue a research interest that is different to that of the original work. is available

  1. No
  2. Computational and data infrastructure is available to support local analysis of data
  3. Computational and data infrastructure is available to support trans-regional analysis of data
  4. A national computational and data infrastructure is in place to support national analysis of data
  5. The national computational and data infrastructure supports national analysis of data and is aligned with and supports cross-border data analysis

The Glossary includes definitions of the use and context of phrases and terminologies used in the MLM to avoid bias and personal interpretations

Perceived usefulness of genomic medicine to patients. Recognition from citizens, patients and patients' associations of a positive impact of the use of genomic medicine on patients levels of satisfaction
Application Programming Interface. A software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other.
Public's level of understanding about the importance and implications of genomic medicine.
Based within a national or regional node.
Clinical interpretation of genomic results
Translation of the technical output of a clinical genetic or genomic test into potentially clinically actionable information.
Cost-effectiveness assessment
Cost-effectiveness analysis is a form of economic analysis that compares the relative costs and outcomes of different courses of action.
Costed implementation plan
A multi-year roadmap that enables governments to prioritise interventions, engage stakeholders around one strategy, forecast costs and mobilise resources to meet identified gaps, namely to implement genomics in healthcare systems.
Data protection
Certainity that personal data is used fairly, lawfully and transparently – for specified, explicit purposes – in a way that is adequate, relevant and limited to only what is necessary, accurate and, where necessary, kept up-to-date, for no longer than is necessary, and handled in a way that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unlawful or unauthorised processing, access, loss, destruction or damage.
Data reuse
Reuse, or secondary use, of health data for purposes other than the primary reason for which they were originally saved. Other purposes may include scientific research, development and innovation activities, teaching and statistics.
Data reception
Uniform processes (such as quality control and standardisation) to receive (download) or access (through API) both data and metadata in a consistent way, enabling infrastructures to adhere to global standards and principles for genotypic and phenotypic data. It includes logically describing datasets to an extent that they can become actionable on the infrastructure, even if they are stored nationally or locally. (Adapted from the 1+MG Scoping paper)
Dataset structure
The dataset is formatted in a standard way to support interoperability, i.e. via use of international standards.
Dedicated governance
The process by which decisions are made and implemented. Governance is the process by which public institutions conduct public affairs and manage public resources.
Economic model
A structured approach to help decision-makers choose between alternative ways of using resources, by weighting the cost of an action against the benefits that it provides. It is frequently used to anticipate the costs and benefits of new health care technologies, policies and regulations.
Federated model
A distributed network of repositories for sharing genomic information.
Further processing
The processing of personal data for a different purpose(s) than the initially collected.
Genetic data
Personal data related to the inherited or acquired genetic characteristics of an individual, which give unique information about his/her physiology or health, that result from an analysis of a biological sample from the individual in question. [ref. Art. 4(13) GDPR]
Guidelines for clinical interpretation of genomic results
Guidelines for translating the technical output of a genetic or genomic test into potentially clinically actionable information.
Guidelines for clinical reporting of genomic results
Guidelines for reporting the actionable results of a genetic or genomic test to the attending clinician and/or patient.
Health data
Personal data related to the physical or mental health of an individual independent of its origin (e.g. healthcare context, research, clinical trials, the data subject directly, smart devices). [ref. Art. 4 GDPR]
HTA framework
Health Technology Assessment framework. A multidisciplinary process that uses explicit methods to determine the value of health technology at different points in its lifecycle to help decision-makers make informed decisions.
ICT (clinical) tools
Information and communication technology, such as electronic health records, telehealth or online resources.
The International Organisation for Standardisation
Within a single institution, i.e. not beyond a lab, department or hospital.
Data that provides information about other data. For example, the origin of the data, the processing details or the sharing permissions.
Multidisciplinary teams
Teams comprised of individuals who span across different areas of expertise to cover all knowledge areas required for genomic medicine.
No-cost access plan
Detailed set of rules that determines rights, duties and procedures to benefit from access to genomic tests at no cost
A set of principles of right action binding upon group members and serving to guide, control or regulate appropriate and acceptable behaviour. E.g. legislation, policies, professional regulations, codes of conduct.
Personal data
Data related to a living individual, who is likely to be identified by the data directly or combined with other data (e.g. through a pseudonym). [ref. Art. 4 GDPR]
Primary bioinformatics analysis
The initial analysis that turns the machine output of genomic sequencing into genomic information for clinical/research interpretation or other contexts.
Reception and interfaces
This consists of two areas.
(1) Reception. Uniform processes (such as quality control and standardisation) to receive (download) or access (through API) both data and metadata in a consistent way, enabling infrastructures to adhere to global standards and principles for genotypic and phenotypic data. It includes logically describing datasets to the extent that they can become actionable on the infrastructure, even if they are stored nationally or locally.
(2) Interfaces. Organisations offer interfaces (APIs) following international standards that form the technically interoperable infrastructure backbone.
[Adapted from the 1+MG Scoping paper]
A dataset record is a collection of fields of information about the same person, item or object in a database. It can be thought of as a row of information within a database table.
Secondary data analysis
The use of existing data, collected for a prior study, to pursue a research interest that is different to that of the original work. [ref: https://sru.soc.surrey.ac.uk/SRU22.html]
Sequence-associated metadata
Data that provides information about other data, specifically about genomic-sequence data.
Societal benefits
Any advantages, gains or improvements as a result of employing a genomic approach to a group of people (e.g. patients, citizens).
Structured dataset metadata
Metadata (data that provides information about other data) for datasets that supports data discoverability using international standards.
Vulnerable groups
Vulnerable groups of population include children, adults with diminished capacities, the elderly, racial or ethnic minorities, the socioeconomically disadvantaged, underinsured or those with certain medical conditions who are at risk for unequal healthcare access, outcomes and exploitation.